Feed Adviser Exam Success!
Farming NewsCongratulations to Emily for passing Module 1 and 2 of the FAR exams
Congratulations to Emily for passing Module 1 and 2 of the FAR exams
With September drawing to a close the SW Dairy Show is rapidly approaching. We would like to invite you to join us on our stand at the show for tea and a chat about all things dairy! Come and meet our team and take t…
We would like to congratulate Emily on her further showing success. Last weekend Emily attended the Frome Agricultural Show with some of her pedigree Hampshire Downs and had success in the ewe, shearling and ram lamb classes as well as taking breed …
A recent article shared on social media made me think about how our industry is viewed and the opinions we have on our industry. Should we be asking for thanks for producing food or should we be thanking our customers for choosing to do business wit…
It may seem a little early to be thinking about input purchases when we are still in the midst of harvest, but planning now could be beneficial to your business.