LEADER Funding
Farming NewsThe RPA have just updated their information on the LEADER funding scheme which offers grants to farmers who are looking to develop their businesses with up to 40% grants...
The RPA have just updated their information on the LEADER funding scheme which offers grants to farmers who are looking to develop their businesses with up to 40% grants...
Janice recently attended a Campaign for the Farmed Environment Maize Workshop to find out about the latest developments in Maize growing. This newsletter summarises the latest findings...
Nic & Jane Bond run an very efficient operation, with technical efficiency at the heart of everything they do. Douglas Green Consulting and NMR have linked up to give you the opportunity to view this impressive business and to learn how we use the mi…
Due to the current dire milk prices, we have recently sent our clients a newsletter looking at marginal cows. These are the cows that are on the margin of justifying their place in your herd. Rather than contributing to your bottom line profit, the…
Countryside Stewardship replaces Environmental Stewardship, English Woodland Grant and Catchment Sensitive Farming. Two tiers of annual management agreement are available Higher Tier and Mid Tier. Both Tiers are targeted and competitive so there wil…