DGCL Winter Newsletter

25 January 2019

Welcome to the winter edition of our newsletter. A PDF version of our latest newsletter can be found by following the link below:




In this edition we review the results from our recent benchmarking exercise, which aims to compare a range of dairy businesses with March 2018 year end accounts.  This gives us the ability to use the pooled data to provide average and top 25% figures to compare your own business against.


All businesses are individual and have their own challenges, but benchmarking gives a good indication of cost control and productivity as well as highlighting any areas that offer scope for improvement or further discussion.


With the looming challenge of Brexit, market outlook information will be crucial for making informed buying decisions during a time of instability.  Our newsletter looks at the key inputs and influences in the markets and outlines the options available for straights buying this year.


If you were not part of our benchmarking exercise this year, but would like to discuss carrying out a benchmarking review of your business or have any further questions concerning markets and buying strategies please do get in touch and one of our consultants would be happy to advise you.


You can contact us at: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk or 01666 817278