100% Independent, 100% for you

Contract Farming, Share Farming and Tenancies

Douglas Green Consulting provide advice and help for farmers to work through the complexities of contracts and tenancies. Whether you are a landowner looking for a tenant or a potential tenant looking for a farm or land - we can help with all aspects from the application and planning to the practical .


Contract Farming

We have a wealth of experience assisting and managing the appointment of contract farmers to look after your arable or dairy enterprise and can help with:


  • Setting up farm agreements, in conjunction with land agents
  • Providing administrative services
  • Budget and monitor the system both short or long term
  • Providing management accounts
  • Advice on the calculation of divisible surplus


Tenancy Applications

We have lots of experience tendering for contract farming and tenancy agreements and understand what agents are looking for when assessing applications. Our plans are credible and fully costed so you can ensure your plan offers a practical and robust solution for the farm in question and your application stands the best chance of success.

At Douglas Green Consulting, we recognise that planning finance in support of a tenancy or contract agreement is a crucial part of securing a tenancy. Our budgets provide your bank with all the information they need to assess your plans, thus improving the chances of support immeasurably.

If you are considering contract farming or are applying for a tenancy and would like more advice please call our office on:

01666 817278

Your Independent Farm Consultants - Get in touch today

We welcome you to contact our dairy farm consultants and agricultural consultants by filling out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Copyright © 2025 Douglas Green Consulting Limited  |  All Rights Reserved
Douglas Green Consulting
Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

t: 01666 817278
e: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk