100% Independent, 100% for you

Soil and manure advice for farms

NVZ and Fertiliser Planning

Douglas Green Consulting are committed to getting the best results out of your farming land, so your business thrives. This requires planning, strategy and knowledge.

What is NVZ?

OSR management - Dairy farm consultants and NVZ planning services

NVZ stands for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. NVZs are areas designated 'at risk' from agricultural nitrate pollution.

They include about 55% of the land in England.

Our FACTS qualified consultants provide a comprehensive NVZ planning service to make sure you comply with the rules.

Read how the NVZ rules can affect farmers and the farming community as a whole. Read more about NVZ rules.

Soil Nutrient Planning

Dairy farm consultants and NVZ planning services

To comply with the Farming Rules for Water, all farmers should plan fertiliser and manure applications based on crop need.

We provide advice on where to target your manure applications to make the best use of their nutrients, and ensure a cost effective spend on artificial fertiliser without compromising yields.

Talk to us today for a free review of your current nutrient plans.


What are the financial benefits of NVZ and fertiliser planning? Our consultants take full account of the value of manures and legumes on the farm, so that fertiliser is used only as and when its needed.

We make significant reductions in fertiliser use on clients' farms without compromising on yield or stocking rates,  and have a proven track record as the result of many years experience. 

Legumes and Multispecies leys? These are a great way to reduce spend on Nitrogen.  Our advice takes account of the contribution these make, to effectively reduce your spend.

Douglas Green Consulting also work with organic farmers to balance nutrient inputs without the use of artificial fertilisers - call 01666 817278 to find out more.

Management of Manures

Request your free copy of Management of Manures by filling in the form below or calling us on 01666 817278.

Book a Consultation

Douglas Green Consulting can help with soil nutrient planning and optimising the use of fertilisers and manures. Please contact our independent farm consultants to book your first consultation or fill in the form below and we'll contact you.

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Douglas Green Consulting
Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

t: 01666 817278
e: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk