Manure application guide

With the introduction of the Farming Rules for Water, and the increased activity of the Environment Agency on farms that are looking at manure storage and manure handling, we are receiving increasing numbers of calls for help about interpreting the rules that farmers need to follow.

Guidance for Manure Applications

A few years ago, our expert farm consultants here at Douglas Green Consulting, produced a summary booklet of the rules relating to manures for one of our clients who runs a major contracting business in Wiltshire. We have just updated this booklet to include the latest rules in The Farming Rules for Water and NVZ Rules 2024. To make it clear, the text in black relates to the rules that all livestock farmers must comply with, and the text in orange relates to extra rules required for farmers in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones.

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Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

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