100% Independent, 100% for you

Independent Farm Consultants

Douglas Green Consulting Ltd has a long and proven track record in the agricultural industry as independent farm consultants.

This success has been achieved by focusing on our farming client's objectives and needs. Providing farming businesses with sound advice and recommendations to maximise profits and help agricultural and dairy businesses to succeed and grow.

Independent farm consultants

Farming is a notoriously volatile business, with increasingly tight profit margins. With ongoing challenges bringing uncertainty to the agricultural industry, now is the time to look at the importance of futureproofing and ensuring a robust and sustainable business long term.

Our independent agricultural consultants are experts in delivering clarity and direction to our farming clients and have proven success at driving businesses forward.

Your Dairy Farm Consultants

Dairy farms are our key strength as business advisors and our independent dairy consultancy is able to provide support on both technical and business matters for our clients. We have a wealth of experience across our team, meaning we are able to offer full farm business support packages to our customers.

Improving business performance

We are highly regarded by our farming clients, banks and accountants due to the credible, achievable and proven solutions that we provide. Our key focus is on ensuring a robust, efficient system based on strong cost control and continued improvement in business performance. In addition, we have a highly skilled team of independent farm consultants who offer advice on a broad range of topics from business to technical, environmental and grants for farms in the UK.

Partnering with Agricultural Associates

As we are specialist agricultural consultants, farms who employ our consultancy services can be assured that we will bring value and expertise so whatever your farming system we can provide you with the best possible solution to fit your objectives.

Using the experience and knowledge built up over many years, DGCL has links with other respected experts in specialist areas of the agricultural industry.

We can call on other businesses to supply complementary services where required and have worked with a wide range of partners to produce complete solutions for our clients to enhance farm profits and well being of dairy cows, calves and crop quality.

Need help with your dairy farm management?

Our team of dairy farm consultants are available to assist with all your farm management

Get in touch
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Douglas Green Consulting
Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

t: 01666 817278
e: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk