100% Independent, 100% for you

Farm Business Services

What we Can offer You

At Douglas Green Consulting our key strength is combining technical and business strategies for agricultural businesses to ensure we create credible and effective farm business planning solutions for your farm business.

Personal and business objectives are at the heart of what we do, with business development for our clients a key driver. In order to achieve continued business growth and development a robust business plan is required - this will act as your compass and will help you to map out the best course for your business to ensure long term sustainability and profitability. Only once you have explored all options open to your business are you able to chose the best solution.

Whether you are starting out in farming or you run an established farming business we can advise on the best strategies based on sound financial options. Our team of highly skilled independent consultants are able to offer a wide range of expertise in areas including:

  • Business reviews and options preparation
  • Annual business budgeting and cashflow preparation
  • 5 year business plans
  • Enterprise budgets
  • Benchmarking with comparative farm business data
  • Business growth and development strategies
  • Advice on BPS
  • Financial recording systems
  • Preparation for land sales and purchases
  • New ventures, diversification and business enhancements
  • Labour and Machinery policies
  • Staff Recruitment and Appraisals
  • Up to date advice on EU regulations and policies


Farm Succession

Moving a farming business from one generation to another is not always a smooth and simple exercise. Every case is different, from looking at the capital requirement of siblings to looking at what the best farming system should be used for moving the business forward.

To discuss business strategies in more detail please contact our farm business consultants 

Your Independent Farm Consultants - Get in touch today

We welcome you to contact our dairy farm consultants and agricultural consultants by filling out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Douglas Green Consulting
Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

t: 01666 817278
e: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk